The CM/ECF Tutorial

The Electronic Case Filing (ECF) Tutorial is designed for attorneys interested in learning how to use the CM/ECF system. An attorney using the tutorial will learn key CM/ECF functions through guided practice using simulated CM/ECF screens and actions.

The tutorial consists of four modules, each of which contains sections that guide the user through specific CM/ECF functions such as how to file an answer to a complaint or how to file attachments to a motion.

At the end of the tutorial an attorney will be able to use CM/ECF to

  • file an answer to a complaint;
  • file a motion with an attachment;
  • file a response to a motion with attachment;
  • view a docket sheet;
  • view a cases filed report;
  • view a transaction log;
  • perform queries;
  • set e-mail notification;
  • describe the joint filing process.

All of the tutorial sections follow a similar design.