Setting Up E-Mail Notification



ECF displays step-by-step instructions on how to set up e-mail notification.

Let's work through each step.

Step 1. Checking this box causes you to receive an email notice of activity in cases in which you are a party or counsel of record. CLICK on the Select box.

If you are interested in tracking cases for which you are NOT a party or attorney of record you will need to enter the case number(s) in the text box to the right. For purposes of this tutorial, TYPE the case number 00-22222 in the case text box.


Civil Query Reports Utilities Logout


Step 1: Identify the cases for which {your_name} would like to receive notification of activity.

Select this box to receive notices of activity for all cases in which you are a participant.

In the following box enter a list of cases (you do not have to be a party in the case) for which you would like to receive notification of activity. Enter case numbers in the format YY-#### (ex. 97-12345). Place each case number on a separate line.

Step 2: Check the following box if you wish to receive a copy of each notice of electronic filing generated in the cases selected above.

Receive Copies of Notice of Electronic filings

Step 3: Check the following box if you wish to receive electronic mail at the end of each day listing all cases (as selected above) for which filings occurred during the day.

Summary Report

Step 4: Identify the email address or addresses to which the information should be mailed.

Step 5: Formatting of notices:

I receive my e-mail through Netscape or an Internet Service Provider
I receive my e-mail through other means (e.g., cc-Mail)